Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Plot of Grass

Last night, my brother in law, Zach, incurred the wrath of the mosquitos and helped me plant seed on the plot of dirt that I had been putting off. Hopefully in 6-8 weeks (the package says) I will update with a beatiful new green yard. Speaking of yard- it is one of the hardest words in the English language for me to say. I can never decide if I want to saw lawn or yard and so I usually end up saying lard. Rather funny for the observers and rather annoying for me.


Anonymous said...

Oh I know all about bald spot in the lawn. I have a really shady back yard so it's hard to get grass to grow there. This fall I'm going to rent an auger and try to tare it up and plant that way. Good luck on yours!

greg said...

you mow the "yard" and then later admire the "lawn." thats how it is. did reading better off inspire you to cultivate your land?

goodevening/goodnight said...

the long road to the tomato (or grass) is a treacherous path indeed. but soon, you will have a lard worthy of note, and fifty year old men across the little apple will be jealous of every blade...